Exceeding 3GB Data Usage Results In ATT Wireless Reducing Data Speeds

ATT Wireless Reduces Data SpeedsThe ATT Wireless and U-Verse divisions are giving it to the public in the A-S-S with their new data usage caps. Since when did they get so stingy with their data, or my data as I would still like to believe. Not only is there data usage cap in the ATT Wireless Division, but there is also a data usage cap on the ATT U-Verse Wi-Fi. Thus far, the amount of data used with your U-Verse home internet is not divulged to you until you’ve already cap-sized. What are they trying to pull over there? The wool over our eyes?

Grand Fathered In | ATT Wireless

I know what your saying to yourself, ” Hey, if you’re grandfathered in, what are you complaining about?” Well it’s true, I am an established ATT Wireless customer and have been for some time, hence the grandfathered in perk of having unlimited data usage with my ATT Wireless service. Here is how the  connection between my ATT Wireless and ATT U-Verse exists. First, let me tell you that I work at home from time-to-time and listen to music on Pandora, or online sports talk radio (Sports Radio 1310AM and 96.7 FM The Ticket). If I were to do this whilst using my Wi-Fi it would eat up my data usage from my ATT U-Verse service. Therefore, I chose to consume my media using my 4G ATT Wireless Service via applications available for download (Pandora and SportsDay) on my cell phone. Haha! I outsmarted you wicked data trolls…so I thought.

I can now say that for being such a faithful, upstanding ATT Wireless customer and most recently an ATT U-Verse customer, I am valiantly being threatened to cease using so much data on my phone. The threat in effect is the following, “ATT Free Msg: Your data usage is near 3GB this month. Exceeding 3GB during this or future billing cycles will result in reduced data speeds, though you will still be able to email & surf the web. Wi-Fi helps you avoid reduced speeds.” Or, in other words, you thought you found a loop hole, congratulations. Now, were sending you and your phone back to the same internet speed you had when you became a customer…enjoy dial-up speeds as you try to pull 3GB of data next month, loser!

It Pays To Be On LinkedIn

Job interview panel

Tell us a little about yourself.

If you don’t know who Guy Kawasaki is…you should. He is an idol of mine. He was a technology evangelist for a little company named Apple and he is known for bring them back from the dead…twice. He has created numerous software companies, written a few books and I aspire to be like him, a technology evangelist. But this sort of title isn’t granted to someone over night it requires experience, knowledge, passion, drive and most of all time. I have most of the attributes listed above and am working towards acquiring the rest. We all have to start somewhere and that’s why I just interviewed for a promising start-up application design company today.

While I was sitting in the parking lot, because I arrived about 30 minutes early from lack of sleep due to excitement, I browsed the UTD (University of Texas at Dallas) EMAC student group page on Facebook and found a ‘Good short read’ about interviewing tips, posted by Dave Yeti. EMAC is an acronym for Emerging Media and Communication and acts as an umbrella for all emerging media. One of the main goals of this program is to adapt messages to audiences and technological constraints while retaining (and amplifying) the benefits provided by existing and emerging media. In this short but sweet article posted on LinkedIn, Nicholas Thompson, Editor of NewYorker.com, discusses when to “…present yourself as a specialist and sometimes as a generalist” (Thompson, NewYorker.com).

 Nicholas Thompson, Editor of NewYorker.com

Thompson talks about how that NewYorker.com is in the process of hiring and he is conducting a lot of interviews. He states, “If applying for a job at a place that’s growing fast…be more general.” And that’s what I did. I assured my potential employers that I can offer what many other people cannot, an umbrella of skills that could possibly help the growth of this start-up application design company that is growing fastidiously and vastidiously (okay so maybe the last word isn’t really a word, but you grasp what I’m tossing at you). I was confident, humble and feel I have a good shot at getting the position…fingers crossed. Thanks Dave Yeti and Nicholas Thompson, I might just owe you one in the future!

Also, if you’re not on LinkedIn, you should be. In 2012, I was in the top 5% of most viewed profiles among 200 million users and I only have a standard free account with LinkedIn. This is how I received information about the job opening at the app design start-up and it could work for you too!


Yeti, D. (JUL 24 2013) Facebook: EMAC Student Group. Link: A tip for job interviews. Retrieved on July 24, 2013 from: https://www.facebook.com/groups/EMACstudents/607686182584762/?notif_t=group_activity

Thompson, N. (JUL 23, 2013) LinkedIn post. A tip for job interviews. Retrieved on July 24, 2013 from: http://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20130723022529-7070331-a-tip-for-job-interviews

Image credit: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fbusiness-english.pl%2F%3Fp%3D344&h=0&w=0&sz=1&tbnid=45tJRi66Pe24iM&tbnh=192&tbnw=263&prev=%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Djob%2Binterview%26tbm%3Disch%26tbs%3Dsur%3Afmc%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=job%20interview&docid=wa2nhmcgjiOOKM&ei=PAjwUfDUNYuG9gT79YHIDg&ved=0CAUQsCU

TWX Probable Profits

Investing & Money Making Strategies

Pay me money.

Well, I lost some money in the stock market after investing in Time Warner (TWX) after the release of the Ben Affleck flick, Argo. Once again I learned why staking your money for such a short period of time based on a small portion of the overall profit calculation for TWX is not a wise decision. But at least I’m learning, we are learning together. As we follow up on what we learned from this experiment it is crucial that we take into account our findings, so that we don’t lose money in the same fashion as we did previously.

Today we look at a few different sources as they announce their position on the TWX stock overall, we incorporate this information, if credible, into our own analysis to assess the probability of profitability, if any such exist. We may find that it may have not been a wise decision to invest in TWX for a month as I did previously. The Street and Market Watch list TWX as a buy option, whereas Zack’s analysis maintains a HOLD status. But who is Zacks and what is their supporting data leading to a HOLD status of TWX?

Zacks Investment Research: Proven Ratings, Research & RecommendationsBy simply scrolling to the bottom of Zacks.com I was able to locate the About Zacks link. The first thing my eyes were drawn to a was the following in bold, “Earnings estimate revisions are the most powerful force impacting stock prices” Len Zacks PhD form MIT, founder of Zacks research. Like every other investment research company they humbly brag about being a leading industry resource and then on the same page they give it to you straight, just as The Street does, “Zacks rank is completely mathematical. It’s cold. It’s objective. The Zacks Rank does not care what the hype on the street says.” Therefore if they take out the rumors and assimilate their equations with raw data to analyze prospective stocks by means of analytical analysis.

It appears that the stock market has been doing for years, what analytical social media data is currently mimicking. Analysis of purely analytical information is the market research for stocks as well as consumers engaging in social media. That was purely a tangent but relevant for another blog entry in the future.

The StreetThe Street and Market Watch are confident on the success of the TWX stock due to recent success and upcoming proven profitable ventures. In a nutshell, as reported on The Street, TWX earnings growth has helped raise shares by 26.69% within the past year, it has improved it’s earnings per share by 10.3% in the most recent quarter, and the debt-to-equity ratio is somewhat low at 0.66. One last point The Street points out is “The firm exceeded the industry average cash flow growth rate of 6.52%” (TheStreet.com).Market Watch reports the upcoming money makers that TWX is about to release, “Time Warner is excited about its prospects in films, especially with the success of “The Dark Knight Rises” and the promise of a “Hobbit” franchise in the works.”  To sum up, judging TWX’ performance in the most recent quarter, the low debt-to-equity ratio, and promise in upcoming projects, Time Warner investors may have something to look forward to for the upcoming 2013.

Market Watch: The Wall Street JournalSo who do we trust for our information? The Street claims to use cold, objective numbers just as Zacks claims, and yet the two have different outcomes for the status of the stock. It comes down to trust and track record of the research firm. All the numbers and data used between each firm is constant, their analytical calculations differ. The one thing the stock market isn’t…predictable. Therefore, I can run numbers on trends, past successes, and predict future trends, but never actually pinpoint the success of a stock. The only assurance I have are my knowledge of a stock, the market, and know my limitations. This may sound vague but it is a great stepping stone to getting your feet wet. Baby steps.

Contributing Sources:




Money Image: http://nyaltnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/6551534889_9c8ae52997.jpg


Drum Roll…Me Down The Hill?

TWX - Time Warner Inc

TWX – Time Warner Inc

If you haven’t checked the stock TWX lately, then you probably did not notice that we’ve, or I have been losing money on our initial investment. We bought at $45.01 and it closed today at $44.61. Add two $7.95 trade fees for a grand total loss of -1.24% (See Math Below).

Bought: (45.01 * 100) + 7.95 = $4508.95

Sold: (44.61 * 100) – 7.95 = $4453.05

LOSS -$55.90

Percentage loss: Difference between initial investment and ending balance(4508.95-4453.05 = 55.90)/ Initial Investment ($4501 + Trade fee (buy) 7.95 + Trade fee (sell) 7.95 = 4516.90) = .01237, or 1.24%. 

But was this experiment a failure? I do not think any experiment ever is a failure, it is only an opportunity to learn and evolve from the process while changing the way you think about, well anything relative. We predicted the unpredictability of the stock market, just as countless other analysts before had stated.



What Do Ed Cumall, Stan Lee, & George Lucas Have In Common?


Storify-What Do Ed Cumall, Stan Lee & George Lucas Have In Common?

Storify-What Do Ed Cumall, Stan Lee & George Lucas Have In Common?

If you haven’t heard already, last week DIS bought the Star Wars franchise from George Lucas for over $4 billion. The Atlantic reports it best by saying, “Even if Episode 7 is worse than George Lucas’s prequels, at this point the franchise is modern folklore: destined to live forever by enraging old fans and minting new ones” (The Atlantic). It is a story written by man that has evolved to something bigger than a story. It is a folktale that teaches lessons in life, love, and war in a way that is understood and adopted by, it seems, every generation.

It’s not to hard to figure out why Lucas sold the franchise. He obviously didn’t do it for the money. Lucas carries his Star Wars legacy alongside some of the greats like Walt Disney, Ed Cumall, and Stan Lee to name a few. These revolutionary men contributed their unique imagination and talent through visual arts and interaction. Cumall, the 3D design innovator, paved the  way much like Disney, but in the end decided hand over the reigns of Pixar to the most magical place on earth. Now that Lucas has piece of mind with his legacy and is a major stock owner in DIS, I have decided to buy more DIS.

Info: How to Create Your Own FREE Investment Portfolio Online

Shortlink this blog entry: http://wp.me/p29JVv-7D

If you don’t already know how to do this by now, it may come in handy. I’m talking of course about how to create a FREE investment portfolio online for your stock research and tracking. This week, to test performance among the major media companies in the stock market i will create a portfolio on and track the major 7 competing media companies with an inception date of 10/12/12. Therefore, whatever the stock opened at on that day, for the purpose of this experiment I invested in 1000 shares, and we will be able to track performance, compare stats, analyze, and report on these investments.

Two of the easiest to use free online portfolio tracking is CNBC.com and of course the awesome entity Google Finance, my favorite. Google Finance is much more user friendly and self explanatory, not to take anything away from CNBC, because they have a great UI as well, but I prefer Google Finance a hair more, I would say. Here we go:

CNBC.com (see below for screen shots)

1. Create Account if you don’t already have one.

2. Hover mouse pointer over INVESTING, move pointer down to PORTFOLIO

3. Create a New Portfolio

4. Name Portfolio

5. Enter information accordingly


1. Create Account

CNBC-Create and Account-Portfolio Creation

Create an account

2. Hover mouse pointer over INVESTING, move pointer down to PORTFOLIO

Hover mouse over INVESTING header, move pointer down to PORTFOLIO


3. Create a New Portfolio (upper right box)

CNBC - Create a new portfolio

Create a new portfolio

4. Name portfolio

5. Enter information accordingly


Google Finance (see below for screen shots)

1. Sign in/ up Google Account

2. Access Google Finance Application

3. Click Portfolio (left menu)

4. Click create new portfolio (upper right corner)

5. Enter Symbols

6. Edit by clicking ‘Edit transaction’ on menu bar

It should look like this for the current experiment this week, to test performance among the major media companies in the stock market:

Google Finance Screen Shot

Google Finance Screen Shot


Image Screenshot Sources:

CNBC website screenshots retrieved via CNBC.com on 10/24/12

Google Finance screenshots retrieved via Google.com/finance on 10/24/12

Pace Yourself For The TWX Marathon, Do Not Freak Out

Argo Earnings Calendar

As I stated in the beginning, when I first introduced this blog, profits for publicly traded companies are interdependent on the success of its many umbrella companies. Which for this in this bloggers case is not necessarily a good thing. If you haven’t checked your stocks lately, Time Warner Inc. (TWX) is not doing so great. When you the reader and I sat down to discuss buying TWX the stock was at $45.01, and it is now at $44.02. Ouch! But don’t fret analysts suggest that we buy TWX now for a few different reasons. We will discuss, why The Street analysts support buyingTWX we will explore the reasons why Stockpickr supports the future success of TWX, and finally we’ll discuss other options for the skittish investor  with “The Walking Dead.”

The Street Wire, a blog on TheStreet.com, gives great detail in why you should buy TWX and I agree with the logic. “Compared to its closing price of one year ago, TWX’s share price has jumped by 38.74%, exceeding the performance of the broader market during that same time frame” (TheStreet.com). On top of the great share price, the debt-to-equity is 0.68 with a quick ratio of 1.11 (pertains to short-term cash flow). The companies P/E (profit/ earnings) ratio is 17.7, the net operating cash flow has gone up and “In addition, TIME WARNER INC has also vastly surpassed the industry average cash flow growth rate of 14.61% All these numbers are promising and if you don’t know what they mean you need to get educated. Ask me for resources if you would like. I encourage engagement and also encourage you to buy. Why? Here are a few more reasons to be confident in TWX.

AMC's "The Walking Dead"

AMC’s “The Walking Dead”

If we have already forgotten what a powerhouse TWX is lets leave it up to Stockpickr.com to remind us of a few excellent companies under the TWX umbrella of holdings,”The firm owns a portfolio of television networks that include HBO, CNN and TNT, the largest combined film studio in the world in Warner Bros. and New Line Cinema, and a publishing arm that produces print names like People and Time.” I simply state to Stockpickr: You had me at HBO. But wait there is more and I didn’t even realize this, but Stockpickr stated that TWX pays a nice 2.3% dividend. Mainly though, we learn that the ability to share its content between networks will bring more benefits, “The biggest benefit to Time Warner today is the fact that the firm is able to share content between units to earn a higher return on every title in its library” (Stockpickr, 10/22/12).

I understand that you invested your children’s college fund on ‘Argo’ but my only advice is: Buy More. But if you don’t want to take a chance on TWX that’s your choice. If you haven’t heard about the recent success about the TV series on AMC entitled “The Walking Dead” it is worth giving a once over, “This year opened with about 11 million viewers (15.2 million overall), reports The Washington Post. And that was without help from DISH Network” (Daily Finance, 10/22/12). The DISH Network is such an important part of this statement because as of Sunday, October 21, 2012 AMC’s “The Walking Dead” was viewable to DISH Network subscribers which will brings the numbers in viewership up. So if you feel like you are the walking dead because of the slide in the TWX stock, then I have two pieces of advice. First, if you are going to panic during the marathon, just remember it’s not a sprint, so stop being a nervous Ned/ Nelly. Secondly, if you’re looking to diversify and buy into a few more options, then take a peek at the Daily Finance article posted here about the up and coming success of “The Walking Dead.”

Bottom line, do not give up on TWX, we invested for a month, and those the rules I have set in place and I am a man of my word, so I’m not quitting Ben Affleck and his ‘Argo.’ I’m not worried though, because reliable, knowledgeable sources like TheStreet.com, Stockpickr.com, and Daily Finance give us news, options, and awareness.

Cramer's Suggestion

Accredited Sources:

  • ‘Argo’ earnings calendar via BoxOfficeMojo.com retrieved on 10/23/12 from:


  • “The Walking Dead” picture via Daily Finance retrieved 10/23/12 from:


  • Link to Cramer’s Portfolio retrieved 10/23/12 from: 

http://secure2.thestreet.com/cap/prm.do?OID=019175 via http://www.thestreet.com/story/11742310/1/time-warner-inc-stock-buy-recommendation-reiterated-twx.html?puc=aol&cm_ven=aol&source=motleyfool

  • The Street Wire. Blog via TheStreet.com. Time warner inc stock buy recommendation reiterated (TWX). Retrieved on 10/23/12 from: 


  • Elmerraji, J. Blog via Stockpickr.com. 5 rocket stocks ready to rally this week – views. Retrieved on 10/23/12 from:


Release Schedule For Oct. 15th-19th

October Calendar: DVD/ FILM Releases

Potential Profit Calendar: October 2012

TWX is down $0.09/ share today. Boo! Well the show must go on. We just finished a huge weekend at the box office and it’s Monday so I will release the links to DVD’s and Films today. We are almost halfway through the month of October, if you couldn’t already tell from all the Horror film releases, and the rest of this month will be exciting for movie goers, but not so much for investors. For a large view of my Potential Profit Calendar (remember that TUE = DVD Releases & FRI = Theatrical Release) click below:

October Calendar

Like I said before, the rest of this month is not peaking any interest in my studio investment arena, so I will keep you posted on anything else that might be coming up. But for now, keep your eye on Ben Affleck’s ‘Argo’ and its predicted success. Here is a link to the trailer if you haven’t seen it yet.

Argo Movie Poster

Click to Watch Trailer

Below you will find a list of the upcoming film releases for this week, complete with a link for more information so you will have plenty of time to plan for your weekend.

Friday 10/19:

Alex Cross-Movie Poster

Directed by Rob Cohen, Starring Tyler Perry

Alex Cross  

Crime Thriller – Summit Entertainment – PG-13

Paranormal Activity 4 Movie Poster

Will the fourth installment compare? Go see it.

Paranormal Activity 4 

Horror – Paramount – R

My Sources:

Stock quote pricing, performance chart, and news retrieved via CNBC from:


DVD/ Film information retrieved from Box Office Mojo from:


Movie trailers retrieved from YouTube from:


Which #1 Studio Has Grossed $1.3 Billion In 2012, So Far?

Who is #1?

According to boxofficemojo.com, the movie studio with the most market share, at 16.1%, is Sony/ Columbia. This percentage translates to a $1.3 billion total gross from 22 movies in 2012. The highest grossing movie, thus far, for Sony/ Columbia is The Amazing Spider-Man, starring Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, with $262 million at the box office. In second place, we find MIB3, starring Will Smith, Josh Brolin, and Tommy Lee Jones, which grossed $179 million.

Previously, I invested in SNE, just before MIB3 was released on 5/25/12, and held it for a month. According to CNBC.com, SNE stock opened at $13.30/ share on 5/25/12. One month later, 6/25/12, SNE stock opened at $14.10, which amounts to an awesome 5.67% gain. Therefore, count a victory against the market for us! If I were to invest in a bond, sit on it for 6 months to a year, I might gain 3%, but we almost doubled that amount in one month with our reasonable, well-researched, and analyzed experiment.

Gatekeeping and Drawbridging?

Gatekeeping and Drawbridging?

My opinion of the media online and offline is the same: they are byproducts of the greed that breeds greed. It is hard to trust the media and their perceived truths because of a theory named ‘gatekeeping.’


If we start with an example of a local news reporter’s professional goals, we will be able to sum up the untrustworthy, conceited abuse of hierarchal texts, it models from traditional rhetorical public speaking, but without an immediate rebuttal from the audience. “In traditional public speaking the structure of relationship calls for one person to speak while many people listen. One person is, therefore, put in a position of advantage over others, at least for the moment” (Brummett, 43).

A local reporter’s ultimate goal is to reach the position of national news anchor, but the only way this position is acquired is by jumping through all the hoops of pleasing network affiliate stations and ultimately the sponsors. ‘If it bleeds it leads,’ is the best summation of contemporary news gathering because of their goal to be revered and feared at the same time.  This is how they become opinion leaders and ‘gatekeep’ public information.

It is hard for me to trust media online or offline, because the processes of gathering, filtering, and exposing content is all determined by advertising by way of operating revenue and/ or the public by way of Wikipedia. I’m skeptical about putting too much importance on wiki-type websites, because I’m entrusting my information gathering process with the public. I don’t know about you, but there have been numerous occasions where I downloaded a virus and lost a little more trust for the public.

Here is an interesting theory I like to call “drawbridging,’ if the show Family Guy was put on the air (chosen by a gatekeeper) and then taken off the air by the same gatekeepers, but dictated to be put back on the air because of public popularity, this is ‘drawbridging.’ What do you think, am I reaching?

Additional Readings:

Brummett, Barry. Rhetoric in Popular Culture, Third Edition. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc., 2011.