‘You’re Next’ Review: Hollywood Cuts Unseen Alternate Ending

We always hear about Hollywood cutting films to follow the classic Hollywood format, but has it ever worked? Sources tell me that the Hollywood cut for ‘You’re Next’ works! After viewing many blog posts, news articles, and various other media sources, regarding ‘You’re Next’ (Horror-Slasher-Psychological Thriller), I would agree that the movie only gets better as most of the cast has been butchered (what does that say about the acting?). I think it is mainly because the director Adam Wingard initially ended the movie by portraying the antagonists’ in a lovable-merry light.

The video clip posted here (from ‘You’re Next’) does not give away the ending by any means, but after viewing it you will get the general idea of the direction the film was headed before the Hollywood executives cut the film. This may be the first instance where a film cut by Hollywood executives was actually better off after the cuts were made. Sources, less reputable and more dishonest share details that lead to this author to believe that the horror-slasher flick ‘You’re Next’ was originally meant to be rated PG-13.

This is footage you will NOT see at: Chicago Daily Herald, National Post, USA Today, Seattle Times, LA Weekly, The Olympian, New York Times, Vancouver Sun, and many more!

(mainly because it’s not real)

Contributing Sources:


Observational Learning Theory and The Dark Knight Trilogy Tragedies

Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight Rises Trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises, Observational Learning

Heath Ledger – Method Actor – Observational Learning

The intention of this analysis is to define observational learning, briefly summarize the events that have surrounded “The Dark Knight” trilogy, including the accidental overdose of Heath Ledger and the Colorado movie theater shooting at “The Dark Knight Rises” viewing, and to state the case for why observational learning applies to these tragic events.

It is the general consensus of the population, in other words searched for on Wikipedia, that the definition of observational learning is  as follows, “observational learning (social learning) – suggests that behavior can be acquired by observation and imitation of others unlike traditional learning theories which require reinforcement or punishment for learning to occur” (Wikipedia, List of Social Psychology Theories). But ot further define the term observational learning we will look at the four phase theory produced by Schunk and Zimmerman that will bring clarity to the events we will discuss. “Schunk and Zimmerman (1997) elaborated Bandura’s theory into a social cognitive model of self-regulation in reading and writing. According to this model, learning of a new task occurs in four phases: observation, emulation, self-control, and self-regulation” (Groenendijk, 3).

We will compare Schunk and Zimmerman’s elaboration of Bandura’s theory to the events surrounding “The Dark Knight” trilogy by Christopher Nolan to test the four phases learning model and research what went wrong.

There are two major tragedies that occurred during the Rises’ trilogy that directly incorporate observational learning and the consequences of not being able to follow through with Schunk and Zimmerman’s final two phases of observational learning: self-control and self-regulation. The two events involve method actor Heath Ledger who accidentally overdoses and then during a screening in Colorado of “The Dark Knight Rises” a shooting takes place, killing and injuring many. Heath Ledger was a method actor and this technique of acting involves direct mimicry and in some cases extreme imitation. For example, Heath Ledger locked himself in a hotel room for a month to prepare himself for the role of the Joker in The Dark Knight. The negative psychological effects of method of acting, in such extreme measures, are obvious, but not all actors who use this method of observational acting meet such tragic consequences and it is due to overcoming Schunk and Zimmerman’s final two phases of observational learning: self-control and self-regulation. Equalizing one’s self from the character you live and breathe for such extended amounts of time proved to be a difficult task for Heath Ledger who blurred his reality with pain killers and, “Ledger, who played The Joker in The Dark Knight, died months before its premiere” (Bowles, USA Today). The second tragedy occurred during the “Colorado theater massacre” which occurred the night of the release of The Dark Knight Rises. Since Columbine high, school shootings and other massacre type events have been a sense of glorification to youth and a chance to be remembered in infamy, much as Hitler will be remembered. After observing the terroristic styling of suicide bombers and other forms of genocide, some individuals with idolize, observe, emulate, but never exercise self-control and self-regulation and repeat history.


1. Wikipedia/List of Social Psychology Theories. (n.d.). Retrieved February 3, 2010 from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_social_psychology_theories

2. Groenendijk, T., Janssen, T., Rijlaarsdam, G., and van den Bergh, H. (2013). The effect of observational learning on students’ performance, processes, and motivation in two creative domains. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 83(1), 3-28.

3. Bowles, S. (07/23/2012). Tragedy casts a pall over Rises’. USA Today. Retrieved from http://bi.galegroup.com.libproxy.utdallas.edu/essentials/article/GALE|A297343464/5fc6d73379f4100c4801cbddfbd0683e?u=txshracd2602

Release Schedule For Oct. 15th-19th

October Calendar: DVD/ FILM Releases

Potential Profit Calendar: October 2012

TWX is down $0.09/ share today. Boo! Well the show must go on. We just finished a huge weekend at the box office and it’s Monday so I will release the links to DVD’s and Films today. We are almost halfway through the month of October, if you couldn’t already tell from all the Horror film releases, and the rest of this month will be exciting for movie goers, but not so much for investors. For a large view of my Potential Profit Calendar (remember that TUE = DVD Releases & FRI = Theatrical Release) click below:

October Calendar

Like I said before, the rest of this month is not peaking any interest in my studio investment arena, so I will keep you posted on anything else that might be coming up. But for now, keep your eye on Ben Affleck’s ‘Argo’ and its predicted success. Here is a link to the trailer if you haven’t seen it yet.

Argo Movie Poster

Click to Watch Trailer

Below you will find a list of the upcoming film releases for this week, complete with a link for more information so you will have plenty of time to plan for your weekend.

Friday 10/19:

Alex Cross-Movie Poster

Directed by Rob Cohen, Starring Tyler Perry

Alex Cross  

Crime Thriller – Summit Entertainment – PG-13

Paranormal Activity 4 Movie Poster

Will the fourth installment compare? Go see it.

Paranormal Activity 4 

Horror – Paramount – R

My Sources:

Stock quote pricing, performance chart, and news retrieved via CNBC from:


DVD/ Film information retrieved from Box Office Mojo from:


Movie trailers retrieved from YouTube from:
