Which #1 Studio Has Grossed $1.3 Billion In 2012, So Far?

Who is #1?

According to boxofficemojo.com, the movie studio with the most market share, at 16.1%, is Sony/ Columbia. This percentage translates to a $1.3 billion total gross from 22 movies in 2012. The highest grossing movie, thus far, for Sony/ Columbia is The Amazing Spider-Man, starring Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, with $262 million at the box office. In second place, we find MIB3, starring Will Smith, Josh Brolin, and Tommy Lee Jones, which grossed $179 million.

Previously, I invested in SNE, just before MIB3 was released on 5/25/12, and held it for a month. According to CNBC.com, SNE stock opened at $13.30/ share on 5/25/12. One month later, 6/25/12, SNE stock opened at $14.10, which amounts to an awesome 5.67% gain. Therefore, count a victory against the market for us! If I were to invest in a bond, sit on it for 6 months to a year, I might gain 3%, but we almost doubled that amount in one month with our reasonable, well-researched, and analyzed experiment.

SNE Experiment: Savvy or Sappy Investment Part II

Will I be the smartest financiest (that didn’t sound right) dude ever in world history of the earth planet? Predicting the success of “MIB3” and turning a profit from its stock SNE, seems like an easy task to me, but what might Jim Cramer of “Mad Money” think of my hair-brained yet logical scheme? On 5/26/12, Cramer talked on his show “Mad Money” about predicting stock success, stating that it is almost impossible because stocks will sometimes do the opposite of what they are expected, even if the news and profits are good at that current time. He was trained always to look at the success, profits, etc. of companies to invest in the long run. I have never heard him recommend day trading and even though my 17 day experiment is not exactly day trading it’s not exactly long-term trading either.   Check out Cramer’s “Mad Money” Soundboard by clicking on the picture here.

“MIB3” was released on Friday, 5/25/12 and it finally knocked “The Avengers” off its 4 week streak at the number one spot at the box office. Holding the spot next weekend doesn’t seem as it will be too much of a feat, but only time will tell. I visited a website entitled BoxOfficeMojo.com that reports on box office earnings and keeps all-time earnings stats; it is a very informative website and I highly suggest you check it out. Apparently, “MIB3” was a big hit in China where, “The movie had it’s best start in China with 19.5 million, which ranks seventh all-time for a Hollywood movie there” (boxofficemojo.com). I think its because Will Smith won the “Ninja Warrior” competition in Japan…oh wait, that doesn’t make much sense.

SNE was down Thursday and Friday, but Tuesday, 5/29/12 could be the beginning of a streak that could prove profitable. As we noticed in the previous blog post, DIS went a very profitable streak and peaked after 17 days. Will SNE match the success? We shall see! Hang on to your money if you don’t wanna grab my hand like they did in “Thelma & Louise” and drive off the cliff, into the sunset, holding hands, because I’ve invested in the risky stocks with which you don’t have to invest. But, also if anyone has any advice please feel free to speak up, or forever hold your peace…at our wedding, I love you.

Experiment in Investment Strategy: Savvy, or Sappy?

I have recently been trying my hand at the stock market and think I’ve come across a secret in investing. My hypothesis states: I Billy Simpson, under liberty, and justice for the rockets red glare, do declare that when highly anticipated movies are released, stock prices raise, accordingly, for those companies that own production studios. One company, whose stock may raise in the coming week due to “Men in Black 3” or “MIB3” being released this Friday, May 25, 2012, is the Sony Corporation (SNE).


Recently, Disney (DIS) released the epic money maker “The Avengers” and its stock went up accordingly. At close, 4/24/12, DIS stock was $42.18/ share and 17 days later it peaked at $45.56/ share. Check my math but that might just be an 8% increase in 17 days. Now,this may seem like a sure bet on any other major motion picture relaese, but you have to think about the movies success, anticipated release, and other contributing factors that may have led to the epic success of the DIS stock.

The Streetrecently wrote an article entitled, ‘Sony Corporation Stock Downgraded (SNE)’, which discusses the stock being downgraded from hold to sell. In the same article it references that the net operating cash flow for SNE is, “still fairing well by exceeding its industry average cash flow growth rate of -71.16%” (www.thestreet.com). This news, does not mirror the same positive news surrounding DIS great quarterly report that was released in early MAY 2012, but I am confident that “MIB3″will parallel the success of, if not surpass “The Avengers” worldwide success. Will Smith reaches a far greater demographic range than a lot of other actors and I’m betting all his fans will go support his long awaited “MIB” addition.

“MIB3” is set to release May 25, 2012…visit the blog daily. We will compile and compare notes leading up to June 10, 2012.

5/23/12 CLOSE: $13.83 DOWN -0.17 (-1.21%)