Exceeding 3GB Data Usage Results In ATT Wireless Reducing Data Speeds

ATT Wireless Reduces Data SpeedsThe ATT Wireless and U-Verse divisions are giving it to the public in the A-S-S with their new data usage caps. Since when did they get so stingy with their data, or my data as I would still like to believe. Not only is there data usage cap in the ATT Wireless Division, but there is also a data usage cap on the ATT U-Verse Wi-Fi. Thus far, the amount of data used with your U-Verse home internet is not divulged to you until you’ve already cap-sized. What are they trying to pull over there? The wool over our eyes?

Grand Fathered In | ATT Wireless

I know what your saying to yourself, ” Hey, if you’re grandfathered in, what are you complaining about?” Well it’s true, I am an established ATT Wireless customer and have been for some time, hence the grandfathered in perk of having unlimited data usage with my ATT Wireless service. Here is how the  connection between my ATT Wireless and ATT U-Verse exists. First, let me tell you that I work at home from time-to-time and listen to music on Pandora, or online sports talk radio (Sports Radio 1310AM and 96.7 FM The Ticket). If I were to do this whilst using my Wi-Fi it would eat up my data usage from my ATT U-Verse service. Therefore, I chose to consume my media using my 4G ATT Wireless Service via applications available for download (Pandora and SportsDay) on my cell phone. Haha! I outsmarted you wicked data trolls…so I thought.

I can now say that for being such a faithful, upstanding ATT Wireless customer and most recently an ATT U-Verse customer, I am valiantly being threatened to cease using so much data on my phone. The threat in effect is the following, “ATT Free Msg: Your data usage is near 3GB this month. Exceeding 3GB during this or future billing cycles will result in reduced data speeds, though you will still be able to email & surf the web. Wi-Fi helps you avoid reduced speeds.” Or, in other words, you thought you found a loop hole, congratulations. Now, were sending you and your phone back to the same internet speed you had when you became a customer…enjoy dial-up speeds as you try to pull 3GB of data next month, loser!

‘You’re Next’ Review: Hollywood Cuts Unseen Alternate Ending

We always hear about Hollywood cutting films to follow the classic Hollywood format, but has it ever worked? Sources tell me that the Hollywood cut for ‘You’re Next’ works! After viewing many blog posts, news articles, and various other media sources, regarding ‘You’re Next’ (Horror-Slasher-Psychological Thriller), I would agree that the movie only gets better as most of the cast has been butchered (what does that say about the acting?). I think it is mainly because the director Adam Wingard initially ended the movie by portraying the antagonists’ in a lovable-merry light.

The video clip posted here (from ‘You’re Next’) does not give away the ending by any means, but after viewing it you will get the general idea of the direction the film was headed before the Hollywood executives cut the film. This may be the first instance where a film cut by Hollywood executives was actually better off after the cuts were made. Sources, less reputable and more dishonest share details that lead to this author to believe that the horror-slasher flick ‘You’re Next’ was originally meant to be rated PG-13.

This is footage you will NOT see at: Chicago Daily Herald, National Post, USA Today, Seattle Times, LA Weekly, The Olympian, New York Times, Vancouver Sun, and many more!

(mainly because it’s not real)

Contributing Sources:


The Top Grossing Summer Movies of all Time

Parody relating my childhood experiences with going to see movies during the summer.

Momma always said…

When I was barely a teenager, I remember going to the movies on hot summer nights with my friends, buying tickets to the PG movies and sneaking into “R” rated movies because we were not 18. At the time Forrest Gump was hot at the box office and my friends and I must have gone to see that movie ten times that summer. Granted, Forrest Gump, number nine on the top-10 list, was not an “R” rated film, it did however grant us enough time away from our parents to do “R” rated things in the parking lot…like sneak out to smoke cigarettes.

Parody relating my childhood experiences with going to see movies during the summer.

Wat iz this?

“Momma always said, stupid is, is stupid does” (Forrest Gump). Although I never understood what that “stupid” saying meant, I do understand that summer box offices usually fuel movie studios’ bottom line. In this entry I looked into the top-10 top grossing summer films of all times, in order to decide which publicly traded stocks might perform better due to the success of its children; the movie studio.

Because I like to stay up-to-date (haha), I found an article from 2011 at Marketplace.org entitled, “The Top Grossing Summer Films of all Time.” After viewing the list of ten, I then cross-referenced the movie titles at BoxOfficeMojo.com to figure out which movie studio produced the film. After figuring the movie studio, I then connected the dots to its umbrella, publicly traded stock. The results and recent acquisitions of certain film enterprises may surprise you!

Top-10 All-Time Grossing Summer Movies

Top-10 All-Time Grossing Summer Movies

Fox, Universal, Paramount, and Buena Vista were the only four studios in the top ten. Fox produced four of the all time movies, Universal: three, Paramount: two, and Buena Vista: one. In case you were wondering, Fox is owned by News Corp., Universal is owned by GE, Paramount is owned by Viacom, and Buena Vista is owned by Disney. It is evident that FOX is the big winner, not only with the highest number of box-office hits, but also because it holds the number #1 spot in the top grossing summer films of all times with $1.3 trillion dollars. What did you say? TRILLION? Yes, I said trillion and the movie was Star Wars (the original), according to Marketplace.org.

Disney logo

Disney will rock summer movies!

But wait, didn’t Disney just acquire the rights to the Star Wars franchise from Spielberg? Yes, they did. So here is my prediction, with this new acquisition, Disney will hold the market share in the future for top-grossing summer blockbusters.

Refute it I dare you. Haha.


Jefferson, M. (May 30, 2011). Marketplace.org. The top grossing summer films of all time. Retrieved from Marketplace.org at




How do YOU use “ephemeral-humanized” media like Snapchat?

Stephen Colbert Report Interviewing Snapchat founders Evan Spiegel and Bobby Murphy

Stephen Colbert Report Interviewing Snapchat founders Evan Spiegel and Bobby Murphy

As Stephen Colbert interviewed the founders of new social media app he mentions a possible “sexting” use for the app and can be quoted as saying, “I can’t think of a better way” which obviously means that Colbert is a sex-crazed, dehumanized…genius. But lets not split atoms. The talking point here is the use of the new app Snapchat. It was rumored that Einstein destroyed half of his work because humanity was not ready to understand and utilize his discoveries properly. After all, look what we did when we learned how to split atoms.

When I initially found out about Snapchat I immediately thought of how easy it would be to sext with this application. Snapchat, plain and simple, allows you to take a picture and send it to a friend, but the important feature with this app is that when you send a picture your friend is only allowed to view it for up to 10 seconds.

However, after watching the always hilarious Stephen Colbert interviews Evan Spiegel and Bobby Murphy about their new app, the creators discuss giving the app a “human” aspect in its daily “ephemoral and transient experience” (Colbert Report Video footage from http://mashable.com/2013/05/02/stephen-colbert-snapchat/). This also registered with me because often times consumers adapt applications to their needs, which may differ from the original use the the creators had intended it to be used.

Finally, I will mention that in this application, there are different increments of time in which you can allow your friends to view, (from 1 second to 10 seconds) This feature has not been mentioned anywhere, which leads me to believe two things: One, the creators of this app may have intended for this app to be used for sexting, and two no one else reporting on Snapchat took the time to use the app. I believe that allowing your friends to view your pic in lower time increments, such as 1 second may insinuate sexual teasing…or maybe I’m a sex crazed dehumanized genius like Stephen Colbert.



Hernandez, B.A. (May 2, 1013). “Stephen Colbert asks Snapchat founders if their profit disappears too.” Retrieved from Mashable.com on May 12, 1013 from: http://mashable.com/2013/05/02/stephen-colbert-snapchat/

Artwork by Billy Simpson. Screenshot of Stephen Colbert report compliments:

“Stephen Colbert asks Snapchat founders if their profit disappears too.” Retrieved from Mashable.com on May 12, 1013 from: http://mashable.com/2013/05/02/stephen-colbert-snapchat/

Snapchat App button. Retrieved on May 12, 1013 from http://www.snapchat.com