Happy Holiday Stocks in Services Sector

Stock Sector Performances Top 100 For the past three months the top 5 stock winners in the services sector have been stocks congruent with holiday habits. Number #5: Amazon, AMZN (+28.16), the company that provides the meaningful, valuable service of online gift buying from the comfort of your home. Number #4: Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc., CMG (+28.39), is the company that provides the meals shared by those close to you. Number #3: Southwest Airlines Co., LUV (+31.19), obviously offers the travel by flight option to their customers. Number #2: Expedia, EXPE (+32.09%), is the company that helps you book travel and other complimentary services, including flight travel. Lastly, Number #1: Advance Auto Parts Inc, AAP (+38.21), is the company that helps maintain regular maintenance on your automobile to get ready for road trips out of town.

After compiling results with careful analysis I can safely say that next year I will have an investment strategy in mind before the holidays arrive. During the next holiday season as I travel to see my loved ones, share a meal and exchange pleasantries…not to mention some great gifts, I will be enjoying some very we’ll plotted profits. The following screenshots are screenshots from the iOS application StockTouch. Screenshots in order: [1] Spiral Services Sector Sorting, [2] Market Cap Services Sector Sorting, [3] Winners Services Sector Sorting, [4] Activity Services Sector Sorting, and [5] Alphabetical Services Sector Sorting.

Contributing Sources:


StockTouch iOS App for iPhone 5 and iPad

Market Cap Services Sector SortingSpiral Services Sector SortingWinners Services Sector SortingAlphabetical Services Sector SortingActivity Services Sector Sorting

Exceeding 3GB Data Usage Results In ATT Wireless Reducing Data Speeds

ATT Wireless Reduces Data SpeedsThe ATT Wireless and U-Verse divisions are giving it to the public in the A-S-S with their new data usage caps. Since when did they get so stingy with their data, or my data as I would still like to believe. Not only is there data usage cap in the ATT Wireless Division, but there is also a data usage cap on the ATT U-Verse Wi-Fi. Thus far, the amount of data used with your U-Verse home internet is not divulged to you until you’ve already cap-sized. What are they trying to pull over there? The wool over our eyes?

Grand Fathered In | ATT Wireless

I know what your saying to yourself, ” Hey, if you’re grandfathered in, what are you complaining about?” Well it’s true, I am an established ATT Wireless customer and have been for some time, hence the grandfathered in perk of having unlimited data usage with my ATT Wireless service. Here is how the  connection between my ATT Wireless and ATT U-Verse exists. First, let me tell you that I work at home from time-to-time and listen to music on Pandora, or online sports talk radio (Sports Radio 1310AM and 96.7 FM The Ticket). If I were to do this whilst using my Wi-Fi it would eat up my data usage from my ATT U-Verse service. Therefore, I chose to consume my media using my 4G ATT Wireless Service via applications available for download (Pandora and SportsDay) on my cell phone. Haha! I outsmarted you wicked data trolls…so I thought.

I can now say that for being such a faithful, upstanding ATT Wireless customer and most recently an ATT U-Verse customer, I am valiantly being threatened to cease using so much data on my phone. The threat in effect is the following, “ATT Free Msg: Your data usage is near 3GB this month. Exceeding 3GB during this or future billing cycles will result in reduced data speeds, though you will still be able to email & surf the web. Wi-Fi helps you avoid reduced speeds.” Or, in other words, you thought you found a loop hole, congratulations. Now, were sending you and your phone back to the same internet speed you had when you became a customer…enjoy dial-up speeds as you try to pull 3GB of data next month, loser!