What Do Ed Cumall, Stan Lee, & George Lucas Have In Common?


Storify-What Do Ed Cumall, Stan Lee & George Lucas Have In Common?

Storify-What Do Ed Cumall, Stan Lee & George Lucas Have In Common?

If you haven’t heard already, last week DIS bought the Star Wars franchise from George Lucas for over $4 billion. The Atlantic reports it best by saying, “Even if Episode 7 is worse than George Lucas’s prequels, at this point the franchise is modern folklore: destined to live forever by enraging old fans and minting new ones” (The Atlantic). It is a story written by man that has evolved to something bigger than a story. It is a folktale that teaches lessons in life, love, and war in a way that is understood and adopted by, it seems, every generation.

It’s not to hard to figure out why Lucas sold the franchise. He obviously didn’t do it for the money. Lucas carries his Star Wars legacy alongside some of the greats like Walt Disney, Ed Cumall, and Stan Lee to name a few. These revolutionary men contributed their unique imagination and talent through visual arts and interaction. Cumall, the 3D design innovator, paved the  way much like Disney, but in the end decided hand over the reigns of Pixar to the most magical place on earth. Now that Lucas has piece of mind with his legacy and is a major stock owner in DIS, I have decided to buy more DIS.

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